How Do Auto Insurance Companies Determine Fair Pain and Suffering Settlements?
An auto accident can leave an auto accident victim vulnerable to economic and non-economic damages, but fortunately, victims can recover some of the damages from their insurer.
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You may file a third-party claim with the negligent party’s insurance company if you get into an auto accident due to someone else’s negligence. Once a claim gets filed, the insurance company assigns claim adjusters to the case, who investigate the claim and determine its value. Unfortunately, it is challenging for a claims adjuster to determine a fair pain and suffering settlement for a victim since pain is subjective.
The question that arises is how can an insurer quantify the pain and suffering a victim is going through.
Don’t Deal with the Insurance Company Alone – Ehline Law Can Get a Fair Settlement for Your Pain and Suffering.
Here, we will explore how attorneys or insurance companies calculate an insurance claim as part of a personal injury settlement. We will also cover how our personal injury attorneys can increase the chances of getting fair pain and suffering compensation for pain and suffering damages following car accidents.
How Does an Insurance Company Calculate Pain and Suffering Damages?
These days, insurance companies pay a physical injury claim using computer software and rely on algorithms to provide them with a claim value for pain and suffering.
Currently, the most popular software used by insurers is Colossus, developed by CSC. The software takes in the information provided by the claim adjuster and uses complex mathematical algorithms to determine the settlement for pain and suffering.
Some of the insurance companies that use Colossus include the following:
Allstate insurance
AXA insurance
Farmers insurance
and many more.
Colossus uses more than 10,000 different rules to help generate questions for a personal injury claim, including pain and suffering, which the claim adjuster then fills in. After entering the relevant information, the software mathematically calculates the final settlement offer. Although Colossus provides consistency in its results, no two personal injury cases are identical. There is no way software can truly calculate a fair settlement for the pain and suffering experienced by a car accident victim.
Factors That Influence Colossus Settlement Value
The insurance adjuster inputs medical record data into the software and assigns “severity points” to the injuries incurred by the victim.
The severity points multiply the amount of money according to the severity of the bodily injury. Findings in the medical record play an essential role in increasing the settlement offer calculated by Colossus, including headaches, nausea, anxiety, depression, and more.
The findings in the medical record and other information are also known as “value drivers.” Value drivers could also include whether or not you visited the hospital for medical treatment, the type of treatment, the timescale of therapy, medications, any impairments, and other relevant information.
The software even considers the attorney working with a victim, the experience of the attorney, and how willing they are to go to trial. It can be easy to quantify medical bills from medical treatments, but it is incredibly challenging to calculate pain and suffering since it is subjective.
Our personal injury attorneys understand the torment of an auto accident and will go above and beyond to protect your rights.
How Does a Personal Injury Lawyer Calculate Pain and Suffering?
When determining pain and suffering damages in a personal injury lawsuit, there are two methods that the majority of attorneys use, and they are the multiplier method and the per diem method.
Multiplier Method
The multiplier method considers all the economic damage from a car accident and multiplies it by the assigned multiplier between 1.5 and 5.
The assigned multiplier for every case is different since it depends on different factors that, include the severity of the accident, the impact of the accident on the victim’s life, and the recovery time, among many others.
Attorneys also incorporate the degree of fault into the multiplier since California is a fault-based state.
Per Diem Method
This method calculates a per-day compensation amount, and the aim is to get a daily amount for each day the victim experienced pain and suffering.
Usually, attorneys use the daily wage rate to determine the daily compensation amount; however, depending on the severity of the injuries, that may not be enough.
Using the per diem method can be challenging as the victim must justify the daily rate; however, having a qualified personal injury attorney can help determine the claims and get them the fair compensation they deserve.
What’s The Average Car Accident Settlement?
A simple guideline for calculating car accident settlements is to multiply the medical bills by 3. However, other factors go into calculating a car accident settlement, and these could include:
The severity of the accident
Treatment plan
The duration of treatment
Lost wages
and more.
A judge will consider all of these factors before awarding compensation to the plaintiff; however, in most cases, compensation is only offered upon the completion of the medical treatment.
According to the data collected, car accident victims in the United States settle between $14,000 and $28,000, an average of around $21,000. This doesn’t mean that your car accident case is worth this much since each accident is different, and working with an attorney can help get you fair compensation for your car accident injuries. Severe and permanent injuries can push settlements into the millions.
Ehline Law has recovered more than $150 million in compensation for over 3,000 injured victims for damages, including medical bills, physical pain and suffering payout, punitive damages, and more.
To give you an idea of how much compensation can vary depending on the severity of the accident, here are some car accident cases and the compensation we retrieved for our clients:
Gilbert v. Quinones – $2.3 million
Hier v. State of California (Caltrans) – $2 million
Doe v. Doe – $600,000
Kramer v. Causly et al. – $145,000
Wickstrom v. Lee – $25,000
If you got into a car accident that was not your fault, contact us at (213) 596-9642 for legal advice on your personal injury case.
Attorneys at Ehline Law work on a contingency fee basis, helping eliminate the financial burden of hiring legal experts for representation after an accident.
Car accidents can turn your life around, and worrying about how much money you might get from your insurer can further add stress.
In most personal injury cases, victims often become targets of bad faith practices, resulting in delayed or rejected claims.
Our attorneys understand how difficult life can be after a serious injury and are here to protect your rights and get you the compensation you deserve. Contact us and get a free consultation today to find out about forming a risk-free, attorney-client relationship with us to recover compensation for personal injuries!
Not every car accident case involving an uncooperative insurance company warrants being filed as a full-blown lawsuit. Sometimes a car accident lawyer won’t touch your car accident for various reasons beyond your control.
Other times, you may not want to share an attorney’s fee and don’t want the costs of regular trial court fees in Los Angeles Superior Court, for example. This is where self-help services can win you some common sense justice in a small claims case.
I am Los Angeles personal injury attorney Michael Ehline. I am an expert in both civil and criminal law matters. Previously, I discussed whether it’s generally worth suing in small claims court. I examine self-representation in a Los Angeles car crash case using small claims court against the other driver’s insurance company.
Is It Better To Sue In Small Claims Court For Smaller Car Accident Injury Insurance Company Cases?
So what do you do to bring a car accident small claims court case? In many situations involving minor car accidents, taking your car accident case to small claims court may be just what the doctor ordered to defeat lousy faith insurance company tactics. So read along and discover if this option is worth taking for you in a small claims court.
Marble Courthouse building facade in black and white.
Q: What is a small claims court?
A: In the State of California, small-claims courts are a type of limited jurisdiction court that hears smaller dollar amount civil disputes against companies and private individuals. Courts authorized to try small claims conduct what is called a “trial by judge.” In exchange for a lower potential payout, the jury is dispensed with since the defending loser can always appeal the slight claims court loss to a jury trial court later and relitigate the car accident lawsuit against a defense attorney for the insurance company.
Small claims court judges may perform other judicial functions, like mediating cases and counseling parties, including the insurance company. To settle. Also, small claims courts may have varying names depending on the state and judicial districts your auto accident is worth filing.
Many ask: “why is a Los Angeles car accident lawyer saying go to small claims court?” First, I don’t recall saying that you should forego receiving a free legal consultation with a car accident attorney and take action against the insurance company alone.
But are you tired of Farmers, GEICO, State Farm, Mercury, etc.? If so, read on to discover the secrets of suing for a car accident in California small claims courts. Many consumers dealing with the insurance company are sick of claims adjusters and would love to file their car accident in a small claims court.
And many car accident lawyers won’t even sign a rear-ender with whiplash anymore. And this is because these insurance claims agents often treat soft tissue cases like worthless car accident claims in the eyes of the bad faith insurance company.
Or they may say it is “worth less” than you or your attorney thinks. In that case, you should consider this option when struggling to negotiate an insurance settlement for a car accident. Using small claims court allows you to settle insurance disputes legally not just for car accidents.
And typically, it gives you much more leverage against the insurance company than speaking on the phone with a trained, professional insurance adjuster. At this point, you can try and get the greedy insurance company to pay more than the original, unreasonable settlement offer that led to you filing the small claims court case. If not, a judge hears the case, and no jury is afforded by either side, including the insurance company.
And like anything else in life, if prepared, the personal injury victims have a good chance at winning against the insurance company and its negligent client in small claims court. In this article, I cover essential preparation. Also, I’ll include the advantages and problems of this process with the insurance company.
Handling car accidents as small claims court actions may be the way to go. In particular, this article deals with low-impact, soft-tissue claims and how to win over the judge with evidence that the insurance company’s client was at fault and liable to pay medical expenses, including pain and suffering.
The idea behind small claims court is to skip a car accident lawyer and avoid regular court cases with a value that slips between the cracks of filing the lawsuit in common court. Most of all, you don’t pay an attorney’s fee for fighting the insurance company on your own. So instead of taking the claims adjuster’s offer, you can oppose the insurer.
And the insurance company and its client don’t get a defense personal injury lawyer to help them argue in small claims court. In a way, small claims are a great equalizer when you and your loved one are negotiating insurance claims and writing demand letters with uncooperative insurance companies and even against an uncooperative government agency.
Advantage 1: Small Claims Court Sets Grounds For a Bad Faith Lawsuit
One advantage of filing a soft tissue small claims court case is leverage against the insurance company. The defendant gets no attorney, and neither do you, the plaintiff. Because of the suit, the defendant must prosecute their case with the insurance company pulling the strings. And this is because the insurer refused a reasonable settlement.
Insurance companies must settle insurance claims reasonably. But they try and pay for MUCH lower than they are worth. They know personal injury attorneys will have to file a lawsuit (about $600). And our Los Angeles car accident attorney must propound and respond to written discovery (10-25 hours). After that, we take depositions ($1000 plus driving, travel, etc.).
To top it off, we will be under pressure to settle or risk our clients firing us and hiring a bottom-feeder car accident lawyer to deal with the insurance company. The insurance company’s settlement offer is often far too small to place the plaintiff into a good bargaining position.
Sometimes the insurance settlement award offer cannot even cover the plaintiff’s medical expenses as part of the insurance company settlement. Worse, the victim still has to reimburse the plaintiff’s attorney for their costs. And the client must pay the lawyer their customary fee of a third to forty percent. Small claims court hearings cost you no attorney’s fees and leave the insurance company with an angry client.
The insurance company has an attitude of “whatever.” So if the insurance company refuses the victim a reasonable settlement, they are open to a bad-faith lawsuit, even for a minor car accident. This happens if a judgment exceeds coverage afforded by the insurance company. That is when the defendant can sue their insurer. Lousy faith law deals with cases like that.
In a small claims court case, a judgment gets entered against the defendant’s credit. So the defendant can sue their own insurance company; if proof exists, the car insurance carrier should have settled. So a verdict against the defendant can cause trouble for their insurer. For example, the defendant may complain to the Insurance Commissioner.
And the defendant can raise cane with a bad-faith lawsuit for damaged credit. Plus, they might write negative reviews on Google Places, etc. It cannot be good for the insurance company. The defendant will often assign their rights to the bad faith lawsuit in exchange for you, the plaintiff letting them off the hook.
All of this creates more negotiating power for the personal injury victim. Either way, filing a car accident case in small claims court may be your only real option.
Advantage 2: Avoiding Limited or Unlimited Civil Court Saves
Costs & Credit Risks
In a small claims court action, you, the plaintiff, have a judge decide your award. You have no jury to hear about your car accident. Small claims court trials are called “trial by judge,” and neither defendant nor the plaintiff is entitled to attorney-client representation inside the courtroom or beyond the bar.
And there are no discovery costs (see supra). Also, you can do service via mail instead of a process server. And no attorneys means no attorney’s fees.
The potentially damaged credit score against their insured presents a settlement issue. Also, their insured client does not get a lawyer to argue for them. So it makes the insurance company look stupid for not making a decent settlement offer.
The insurer’s client is forced to represent themselves in small claims court without the benefit of legal representation. How uncool is that? Why even bother having car accident insurance, right?
And that legal procedure just gave you leverage over the insurance adjuster. So that definitely can force these die-hard insurance adjusters to pay for your car accident insurance claims. They would instead screw the guy who stands in line and does nothing, accepting the lowball offer. They typically are clock punchers. So make them work.
Procedures Can Help Achieve the Small Claims Court Outcome You Would Like In A Car Accident?
Understanding California Small Claims Court
The small claim resolves civil disputes with small amounts of money. The amount for injury claims depends on whether the other party maintains liability insurance.
If insurance exists with a defense duty, the plaintiff’s maximum damages award is $7 thousand five hundred dollars or less. And this excludes court costs, interest, and attorney’s fees.
If no insurance policy exists with a duty to defend, the max amount the plaintiff can win is $10 thousand dollars for car accidents and other civil claims. And this is how minor civil disputes resolve. But again, this involves a small sum of money. And it gets heard in the county court, civil division.
As an individual you can sue for damages for bodily injuries resulting from an auto accident if your claim is for $10,000 or less, a $7,500 limit applies if a defendant is covered by an automobile insurance policy that includes a duty to defend. (Source).
116.224. (a) Notwithstanding Section 116.221, the small claims court has jurisdiction in an action brought by a natural person for damages for bodily injuries resulting from an automobile accident if the amount of the demand does not exceed seven thousand five hundred dollars ($7,500).
In the state of California, rules of procedure exist for these cases. And these are called the Small Claims Rules. These rules assist in making the small claims process more accessible. And it speeds up getting your information.
And for attorneys and laymen alike, it’s easier to navigate and understand than regular civil court. The rules are contained within the California Rules of Court. Companion rules are in the California Statutes Annotated. And these are easily located at any law library and many public libraries.
Read the Rules!
Before filing a small claims lawsuit, it is essential to read these rules. And this is for your information about the process. The small claims process aims to resolve minor civil disputes.
It gets done through the court system. But it bypasses the more complicated and formal judicial process. The trade-off is the award for a lower amount.
Who is Permitted to File a Small Claims Lawsuit?
The person filing a small claims lawsuit must be over 18. And if they are under 18, they will require a parent or guardian to register for them.
Small Claims Lawsuit Basics
For claims of more than $5,000, the filing fee is $75. What if another person owes you money or has your property? And what if they refuse to return it? Then you may find a resolution in small claims.
But before filing, you should try and talk with the accused. So maybe send them a letter. Then try and resolve the dispute. But if your queries go unanswered, go to small claims court.
The following are questions you should ask before filing:
Did I try with reason to resolve?
Is this a valid legal claim against the other party?
Do I have or can I get evidence to prove my court claim?
Is the amount in question $7500 or smaller?
Does the defendant have auto insurance? If so, the defendant’s insurance company maintains a duty to defend the case. But no lawyer is allowed to argue on behalf of the defendant during the trial or make arguments before a test.
Is the amount in question 10 thousand dollars or lower?
Do you have the name and correct address of the other party?
If the answers are “yes,” you have the makings of a valid small claims lawsuit. But if you remain unsure, an attorney could advise and tell you if you have a valid complaint. Also, they can explain the evidence you will need to prove your claim. And this is all necessary to win.
If you feel you need an attorney, contact the local bar association. Also, the California State Bar has a free referral service. Next, you may qualify for free legal assistance. In some cases, pro-bono lawyers help at the local Legal Aid Service.
Location to File the Lawsuit
You will need to contact the Clerk of Court after preparations:
The event or dispute occurred in the county, which led to the lawsuit.
The location where the disputed property is located.
The case should be filed in the county payments received if it involves a secured promissory note.
Don’t know what county to file the action? Contact the Clerk’s Office. They can offer assistance.
So How do I File a Small Claim?
Lawsuits all begin by submitting a complaint form. This is a “Statement of Claim.” It will get tabled in the clerk’s office. If you need help filling out forms, the clerk can direct you.
Suppose filling out the “Statement of Claim” briefly provide the information. It would help if you detailed the facts of the case. Most of all, you need to justify the amount you seek.
Also, you must have the full name and address of the defendant listed. And if the claim has written documents, attach them. Items include notes, leases, repair bills, contracts, etc.
Duplicates of originals should be attached to the form. And a fee goes to the court clerk. And this is known as a filing fee. Last, the amount of this fee is based on the lawsuit’s sum.
What are the Proper Procedures?
As noted above, the first step is to fill out the Statement of the Claim form. Second, you need to notify the defendant. So you must serve them with a copy of the lawsuit. “Service of Process” is how we inform the adverse party.
The notice will have the Statement of Claim attached. And also attached is a “Notice to Appear,” a summons.
Next, these papers get served in one of two ways.
The first is having the clerk send the lawsuit papers to the defendant. This is sent by registered mail, with a return receipt requested. This is restricted delivery to the party only. And it must be signed to obtain the letter.
The plaintiff can also pay a fee to have the clerk send the lawsuit by mail. But if the plaintiff wins, it remains possible to recover court costs from the defendant.
If mail service is a wrong choice or is unsuccessful, the plaintiff can pay the Sheriff’s Office. So they can provide personal service. This means the sheriff will try and locate the defendant. Then they hand-deliver the lawsuit papers to them. They will do so at their home or place of work. But what if the defendant’s residence is not in the same county? Then it would help if you used the Sheriff’s Office in that other county. Utilizing the sheriff to hand-deliver things will involve a fee for the service.
If these two methods are unsuccessful, other options may be available. But you must contact the Clerk’s Office.
Notice to Appear
You should be notified of certain dates when filing the small claims lawsuit. You will need the pretrial hearing’s date, time, and place. This is called a pretrial conference. And this is because a trial or final hearing comes later. The pretrial hearing is to determine issues in the dispute.
If the defendant fails to appear, certain things will happen. First, the judge will order a prove-up hearing. Here, the judge must see proof the lawsuit got filed in the proper county. Next, he will check to see if the defendant got notified. Then the court will enter a default against the party.
So the court issues a final entry of judgment against the defendant. And this means the defendant defaulted. But the judge must rule if the damages in the lawsuit are valid.
Cases Can Get Settled at Pretrial Hearing
Case over if the defendant appears at the pretrial hearing and admits fault for the car accident. Now you can collect from the defendant’s insurance company right away.
So, in that case, no trial takes place. But if the defendant appears, loses the case, and is broke, with no insurance, the plaintiff can agree to payment terms and have the court sign off. This is called a stipulation between the parties, which is entered by the court. So this will make the terms and conditions to settle legally binding.
The judge asks why if the defendant denies the claim at the hearing. And if the accused fails to have a valid defense, the judge will tell them. Because of this, the court will advise them a judgment could go against them.
If a valid defense exists, the judge may order mediation. If the judge orders mediation, it could happen at the courthouse. Often it takes place at the time of the pretrial hearing. Most of the time, mediators are volunteers.
If the case settles during these negotiations, the case mediators set the terms of the settlement and write them down. So it gets signed by the defendant and the plaintiff. The clerk sets the case for trial if a case won’t settle through mediation.
The next step is to inform the judge how many witnesses will testify. The judge can now determine the time needed to hear all of the witnesses. If the parties want to testify, they must include themselves too.
What Will Occur at the Trial?
You should prepare if the date gets set for the final hearing/trial. Preparing includes having all of the evidence you will present at trial. Also, it lists any documents. And it lists the witnesses you intend to call to testify.
If you feel that a witness may fail to show up for court, you can subpoena them. If a witness has no subpoena and fails to appear, the judge will continue without that witness. The judge will refuse to let you return with the missing things or witnesses.
The judge will request that both the plaintiff and the defendant tell the facts. They must also show all of the evidence and proof. The witnesses will testify. Then the judge will weigh the testimony, case particulars, and evidence. So, in the end, the court decides who won the case.
Both Sides Tell Their Story
If the witnesses speak, the plaintiff and defendant have told their sides of the case. But the judge may ask questions to clarify issues. However, this won’t always happen.
The judge may see no reason to ask any questions. The small claims trial is informal. And the judge will attempt to get all the facts from both parties. So he can make a fair and accurate decision in the case.
Conducting yourself right is essential. Some other suggestions include the following:
Be on time for court. If the plaintiff is tardy, the court may dismiss the case. If the defendant appears late, the judge might enter a judgment against them.
In presenting your case, it is crucial to stick to the issues of the dispute.
Be courteous; don’t interrupt the judge, the defendant, or witnesses. At trial, don’t engage in any name-calling. And refuse to raise your voice.
If you fail to understand, ask the judge for help.
Consider it carefully if the defendant offers to settle or the judge suggests it. Don’t just turn the offer down. It may be in your best interest to accept the settlement. And this may be true if the judge recommends it.
After the trial, the judge will generally announce their decision. Sometimes, the judge may want additional time to review the evidence. The court may wish to research case law before final judgment. If this happens, it is called taking the case “under advisement.” The plaintiff and the defendant will receive a copy of the final decision in the mail.
If the defendant is unsatisfied, they will be able to file a written motion for a new hearing. And this must be within ten days after the judgment. Then the court will rule on the motion. So it will try and determine grounds for a new hearing.
Another step to take is to appeal the judgment to the superior court. In this situation, the procedure for appealing a decision can become complicated. And it is recommended to consult an attorney.
Pain in back. Young man holding a hand on his back and expressing negativity while leaning at the cardboard box
To recap, in the turmoil of a severe car or work accident, many victims want to repair the shattered pieces of their lives. However, many find out how the legal system works hard and soon realize the odds are usually stacked against unrepresented victims. Plus, injuries and the cost of rehabilitation can create financial hardship.
The insurance companies don’t want to pay for their own policies either. Also, the parties that caused the mishap may make a similar decision and clam up.
They don’t want to the right the situation. Sometimes the defendant has no insurance, but they have garnishable wages and assets, like a house or a car. But most lawyers won’t take a case like that due to the costs of enforcing judgments and the chances the defendant can bankrupt such judgments.
So some cases are not worth taking to a regular Superior Court with lawsuit filing and service of legal process fees surpassing $600. The leverage presented is that a small claims judgment can damage the defendant’s credit score or force bankruptcy.
So at least the plaintiff has a fighting chance at getting paid something.
But Self-Representation is Not for Everyone!
A lawyer specializing in personal injury law is the best protector for injured victims when the case value surpasses the small claims payouts. These lawyers also end common self-representation errors, even if it is a “smaller case.”
Also, injury attorneys handle various mishaps, from auto wrecks to workplace disasters. This experience lends valuable expertise to the victim that needs it the most. Some of the most common errors that we see include the following:
1. Not Knowing Where to Start
Many times the hurt victims are unsure of the first step to take. In facing the aftermath of an accident, they’re without insight.
Victims aren’t sure if they should contact a personal injury attorney. At times, the person hurt will attempt to sort through the information alone.
They also make common mistakes in talks with the insurer. These mistakes could include statements made construed as an admittance of guilt. Also, it may be as simple as unwitting acceptance of an offer. This “confession” can happen without knowing the true extent of your injuries.
2. Thinking You Know Medicine
Obtaining a financial award can be a lengthy and costly process. Many victims don’t realize the depths of this process. It comes out of their pocket ifs. Suppose they don’t have adequate health insurance to cover this out of pocket. In other cases, years of rehabilitation can bankrupt families.
So if you’re asking for a moderate amount, the insurance company might accept the settlement. But settling too soon can leave your family high and dry in the process. The claim could be denied if the victim seeks a significant amount of money.
This rejection can happen before knowing the sheer scope of the harm sustained. Some of the damage and its symptoms don’t show up right away. Later noticed pain and injury could mean it’s unknown how your long-term prognosis will play out. So your ability to work and enjoy your life can hang in the balance.
3. Lack of Organization.
Lack of organizational skills is a frequent problem that remains greater than many people know. Injury attorneys train for years to learn how to present a case in and out of court.
The lawyer’s training helps the client get the most out of the claim. Also, the lawyer will understand the nuances of injury law and the courtroom. Filing a claim in the wrong court or past the time limit may doom it right out of the gate.
4. Lack of Negotiating Skills
Courtroom procedure and out of court aren’t the same as Law and Order. The average injured victim balances many aspects of recovery at the same time as dealing with the claim.
Many insurers and reckless drivers give their “final” offer. That is way below what can and should be offered to you. Because they’re desperate, too many victims jump on the proposal. They believe that they won’t have a better offer.
In the negotiating process, victims may believe:
They have documentation of the insurer or defendant, and that alone proves guilt for the event. However, victims don’t always collect the proper evidence of such misconduct. At this point, the insurer’s legal team can tear apart these claims. Subrosa is sometimes needed to investigate the parties and locate their assets to pay for the wreck, for example.
What is The Key Factor in All of These Mistakes?
In most limited and unlimited jurisdiction civil cases, not hiring an attorney to handle the case can mean a loss. Please understand that the insurer’s legal team will try to devalue your claim. The insurers use tricks that can sink a complaint. That being said, not all personal injury cases require a lawyer or a lawsuit.
Some can be settled. When it doesn’t make economic sense to hire a lawyer, a small claims court is a great way for a reasonably intelligent person to get money without taking it to a regular Superior Court.
Conclusion: Yes, You Can Take Minor Car Accident Claims to Small Claims Court and Win
Above is accurate information and guidelines on small claims limitations and advantages. But you need to ensure the best outcome in your small claims lawsuit. And some motor vehicle injury lawyers will do all your small claims evidence books for you in exchange for their regular attorney’s fee.
And sometimes, these lawyers agree to handle any appeal later filed by the losing defendant. If you have questions, contact Michael P. Ehline, Esq. He works at Ehline Law Firm Personal Injury Attorneys, APLC. His direct line is (213) 596-9642. Tell us about your case.
Answer:After a typical automobile accident, most people experience moderate to minor muscle pain and tenderness to loiter for around six to eight weeks. Most car accident victims will suffer a whipping motion of their head, which causes cervical lordosis to their neck and back area. When a car accident occurs, the adrenaline is at an all-time high, and the body gets stiff as it absorbs the impact.
Whether the accident is minor or significant, it is common not to feel any pain immediately after the accident. However, as the muscles start to relax, you might feel that the pain is about to kick in. You can expect the soreness to slowly disappear if it is a minor accident.
In such situations, doctors may recommend over-the-counter painkillers to reduce soreness and help with pain relief. However, it may be a more serious accident with much more severe injuries. Everyone agrees you have to follow your doctor’s advice and take steps to allow yourself to heal. We turned to Los Angeles, California, personal injury attorney Michael Ehline to learn more about major and minor muscle injuries from vehicle wrecks.
“how long will I be sore after a car crash,” and “what should I expect.” After looking at citations, and medical, government, and personal injury websites, we found the following.
Are You Sore After a Car Accident? It Could Indicate Serious Injuries
Soreness could also mean a serious internal injury, so knowing how soreness can impact your car accident claims is important. Personal injury attorneys can guide car accident victims better and provide them with the legal options to secure maximum compensation.
Is Soreness after an Accident Considered Serious?
Soreness is one of the most common symptoms of a car accident, and in many minor accidents, soreness can last a few days. However, if this time passes and the soreness persists, you may want to consider a medical examination, as it could be a sign of something worse.
Soreness from an accident is directly linked to its severity, and the more severe the accident, the more time it will take for the soreness to subside. Victims often mistake letting the soreness and pain disappear on their own. However, it is always important to visit a doctor for a medical examination and seek medical treatment if necessary.
Should You Seek Medical Attention for Your Soreness?
Whether or not you feel pain or get injured in a car accident, it is important to get your medical examination done. Some injuries can take time to manifest, and a proper medical examination can help with diagnosis and allow you to start proper treatment right away. Seeking medical attention immediately after an accident can reduce the recovery period and alleviate soreness more quickly.
If you don’t seek medical attention on time after a car accident, this can be detrimental to your claim. An insurance adjuster could argue that your delayed action caused injuries to worsen, resulting in lower compensation.
Having a Los Angeles car accident attorney at Ehline Law on your side can help file your personal injury claim and get you the compensation you deserve.
What Types of Tests Should a Car Accident Victim Undergo?
Soreness after a car accident can last up to six weeks, depending on the accident’s severity. Keep your doctor informed of your health and how you regularly feel for timely monitoring of any anomalies that may arise.
The types of testing required after a car accident depend on the accident’s severity. For example, a minor accident may require a simple x-ray to check for broken bones, but you might have to get an MRI if you get into a significant accident.
A doctor will be better able to assess your injuries and prescribe relevant tests to further determine any damage before starting treatment.
Typically, standard testing involves three types of tests: motion tests, X-rays, and MRIs.
Types of Injuries That Cause Soreness
Accidents have various impacts on the human body, but one thing remains common: soreness. If you feel continued pain with such injuries, it is best to head to a hospital and seek medical help or start physical therapy, as it could signify something worse.
Let’s look at some injuries that can cause immediate or delayed soreness.
Spinal Cord Injury
The rapid stopping of a vehicle after an impact can dislocate the spinal discs or push them out of alignment. In severe cases, spinal cord injuries can also lead to fractures and require special rehabilitation care for recovery.
Traumatic Brain Injury
Head injuries from car accidents can lead to severe head pain, concussions, bruising, and soreness, but if you have constant pain or soreness in the head, it could be a sign of a traumatic brain injury (TBI) requiring immediate medical attention.
Traumatic brain injuries are serious types of injuries that may even cause a change in a victim’s behavior. An experienced car accident attorney can assess the impact of the TBI on a victim’s life and fight to protect their rights.
Whiplash, a neck injury, is one of the most common car accident injuries, and there is a misconception that whiplash only occurs at high speeds. That is not the case, as most whiplash accidents are due to low speeds or rear collisions. You might not feel anything at first, but it takes a few days for symptoms of whiplash to occur.
The whiplash symptoms include fatigue, dizziness, insomnia, depression, and pain. Chronic pain from acute whiplash can impact a victim’s quality of life by interfering with their work, social life, daily routine, and more.
Other Serious Injuries
Other injuries after a car accident that can lead to soreness are back injuries, neck injuries, torn ligaments, hairline fractures, and disc injuries.
As you can see, the crash’s severity and the injury victim’s physicality play a significant role in how long it takes to get well after a car crash. Always listen to your doctor. Take steps to have the right insurance and get a great lawyer to handle the legal minutia as you rest and gather strength. Are you interested in forming an attorney-client relationship and acquiring the most financial compensation to help you get back on your feet?
Contact a Car Accident Lawyer Today!
Our personal injury attorneys have helped recover more than $150 million in compensation for medical expenses and other damages for injured victims. We have the right experience and resources to protect your rights and fight for your compensation on your behalf while you recover from your injuries.
Ehline Law attorneys work on a contingency-fee basis, helping victims get the legal help they need without paying any upfront fees. Call us for more information on how we can help with your personal injury case. If you got into a car accident that was not your fault, contact us at (213) 596 – 9642 for a free consultation with our legal experts. Whether you’re feeling muscle soreness from neck pain or soft tissue injuries, you may be eligible for compensation for the medical bills, lost income, and other damages.
Typical treatment periods for a soft tissue car accident will be two to three months. More serious injuries may require physical therapy for a year or longer, with the most severe accident injuries requiring lifelong medical treatment.
Factors Affecting the Physical Therapy Process
Three factors directly impact how long a physical therapy process should last, and they are as follows:
Type of injury
The severity of the accident
Any prior injuries.
Minor injuries from car accidents are usually treated at home to manage pain symptoms. However, a serious car accident injury can require physical therapy as part of recovery. A car accident victim would want to know how long their physical therapy treatments will last in such situations.
If you got injured in a car accident due to someone else’s negligence, contact Ehline Law and our personal injury attorneys, as you may be eligible for compensation.
Type of Injury
The type of injury a car accident victim has directly affected the time needed for physical therapy during recovery. A whiplash injury stretches the muscles beyond their normal range when force violently jolts the neck and head forward and backward. It can even affect the spinal column or lead to disc injuries.
Depending on the type of injury, it can take up to a few months of physical therapy to restore normal functionality. Soft tissue injuries can take up to 8 weeks to recover from, but you would need a longer therapy time to recover from any major injuries.
The severity of the Accident
Although minor injuries may not seem like a concern, a car accident victim should visit professional doctors for an examination to see if there might be any hidden injuries. More serious accidents can deliver long-term injuries that require special medical attention. In cases of broken bones, a dislocated knee, or any other serious injury, the recovery time can stretch out over months.
Your doctor should be better able to assess your physical and internal conditions to determine the time required for therapy sessions.
Any Prior Injuries
Any previous injury, like scar tissue, may affect the healing time needed for new injuries, especially if the recent injury is in the same area. Car accident victims would have to undergo physical therapy and any treatment for previous injuries to aid in quicker healing and recovery.
If your physical therapy has already started, a physical therapist will frequently assess your injuries and the healing process to determine when to stop the therapy.
How Physical Therapy Helps with Car Accident Injuries
Aids in the Recovery Process
Injuries that affect the range of motion or cause pain in your daily activities require physical therapy to help return body functionality back to normal. Such types of auto accident injuries can prolong the recovery period if the car accident victim does not undergo physical therapy as part of the healing process.
Helps Alleviate Pain
Developing your muscles and getting your strength back is important to gain movement, and lack of exercise can cause stiffness and more pain. Physical therapy supports accident victims to quickly get back to their everyday lives and manage chronic pain effectively.
Prevent Future Injuries
A recommended exercise routine by a physical therapist will not only heal your current accident injuries but also help strengthen the body to avoid any future injuries.
Prevent Surgeries
Undergoing surgery to fix a serious injury can prolong recovery times and take a toll on the body. Doctors often prescribe physical therapy to patients to help them recover naturally by strengthening their muscles and tendons.
After a quick examination, a physical therapist will know when to stop physical therapy. This would require them to revisit prior medical tests, examine current medical reports, and assess any chances of re-injury.
Some injuries may require time to heal, but if the therapist feels that you can conduct those exercises at home, they will send you home while reducing the frequency of visits accordingly.
Pain and normal body functionality are the two main indicators a therapist will use to help determine when it is time to stop physical therapy. In cases where there might be a slight decrease in motion, the therapy can end if the victim has reached the treatment goals set by the therapist before the therapy.
Schedule a Free Consultation With Los Angeles Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyers Today
Motor vehicle accidents occur on a daily basis, and those seriously injured must start physical therapy immediately before reaching out to an expert personal injury attorney. Contact us at (213) 596-9642 for more information on how we can provide you with the best legal representation.Read More »How Long Should I Go to Physical Therapy After a Car Accident?
To recover the losses from an auto accident that was not your fault, you must file personal injury claims and go through the claims process of the relevant insurance company, here Progressive. In California, it is mandatory to have specific amounts of auto insurance to cover the damage in the event of an accident, such as medical costs and vehicle repairs. Since it is a fault-based state, the driver at fault is responsible for paying for your losses through their insurance provider. That is how insurance is supposed to protect you and pay for an accident.
Don’t Admit Fault or Fight Progressive Insurance Company Alone – Ehline Law is Here for You
Progressive Insurance is one of the largest insurance carriers and the number one in the United States when it comes to auto insurance. Here is what you can expect during the claims process when dealing with Progressive insurance theft, life, final expense car accidents, and unpleasant insurance adjuster interactions.
You’ll often see Progressive add other party’s names to the settlement check, such as with individual family medicare health short-term issues. In most cases, we can help you get an estimate and help get your car repaired. We will also go after the liable party to make sure you receive full and fair compensation for your important matter. We don’t take our percentage until we get benefits paid on your behalf.
Devise a Strategy After a Car Accident
The first step for a car accident victim is to understand that insurance companies are never on their side as they benefit from delaying or rejecting claims. Insurers deploy different tactics to force victims into accepting low settlements and to avoid that, you need to have a proper strategy.
It would help if you protected yourself from any uncertainties right after an accident. This includes denying fault at the accident scene and avoiding telling the other driver that you’re uninjured before a proper medical examination. Such statements can put a dent in your personal injury claimand affect your chances of getting compensation from the negligent driver’s insurer.
Contact the local authorities to reach the accident scene to file a police report and exchange contact information and insurance information with the other driver. Seek medical attention after an accident and ensure you document and write everything down, from keeping medical reports to securing medical receipts.
Initiate the Claims Process
After you get into a car accident, reach out to your insurer to notify them of the incident. For Progressive insurance claims, contact the claims department at (800) 776-4737. You can even submit the claims online through the website if you wish to avoid speaking to an agent. You must file the claims within 48 hours following the accident, as many insurers require immediate reporting.
If the at-fault driver has Progressive auto insurance, you can expect a call anytime soon after an accident from an agent at the at-fault party’s insurer. The agent will require details about the accident, such as license plate numbers, the vehicles involved in the collision, the location of the accident, date and time, and other relevant information. It would help if you did not admit fault. Otherwise, you will risk losing compensation since California is a fault-based state where compensation gets awarded according to the degree of fault.
When filing claims online with Progressive, watch out for icons as these help you navigate the process better, such as the term life universal icon, the wedding event icon, dental electronic device icon, final expense icon life, the dental electronic device icon, the auto condo icon, the family health medicare icon, the health short term icon, the universal life – whole icon, and others.
The life final expense icon on a Progressive insurance policy refers to their final expense insurance. If you lose someone in a car accident, the final expense insurance coverage covers up to $35,000 in expenses such as burial costs, credit and loans, and more. To better serve you, our attorneys can assist you before you apply for benefits so you can learn more before your sign or send anything that can create problems later.
How to Deal with Progressive Insurance Company’s Adjusters
Insurance companies, including Progressive Insurance, hire insurance adjusters to handle claims and save the insurer as much money as possible. Such company goals can ignite bad faith practices resulting in insurance adjusters’ offering low settlements or simply denying claims without any reason.
Here are a few things you can consider to avoid jeopardizing your claims and increase your chances of receiving maximum compensation:
Provide only the necessary information. Answering “yes” or “no” should be more than enough.
Make sure to stick to the facts of the accident. Avoid giving more information than asked. Don’t carry water for your adversary.
Refuse to give a recorded statement; it is your right.
Deny initial settlement offers as they are often too low to cover any medical bills or other costs.
Get in touch with a qualified personal injury attorney to assess the full extent of your case.
How Can an Attorney Help with a Progressive Insurance Claim?
An insurance policy from one insurer may be different than an insurance policy from another insurer. An experienced attorney understands the law and the caveats in different insurance policies, which is beneficial when filing claims. An attorney can help collect all the necessary evidence, file a Progressive insurance claim, and deal with the insurer to get you the compensation you deserve.
When filing claims, you must not overstate or understate your claim value, as any of these will work against you. An overstated claim is easily rejected by an insurer, while an understated claim will affect your financial situation if medical bills are more than what you received. Our qualified and resourceful attorneys have experience in assessing claims by working closely with medical experts to determine the value of such claims. We have helped injured victims recover compensation for medical bills, lost wages, property damage, punitive damage, and other types of damages.
Our attorneys can also help file personal injury lawsuits against the insurers if there is no mutual agreement on a fair settlement. As the number one auto insurance company, bad publicity from a trial can put a dent in the positive image Progressive Insurance has created over more than 80 years, and Progressive will avoid that at all costs.
Knowing that our trial attorneys have trial experience and are not afraid to take insurers to court is more than enough for Progressive to remain at the negotiating table. A lawsuit can also result in Progressive paying higher settlement amounts, which doesn’t work well in their interests.
California Insurance Law
California is a fault-based state, and the compensation gets awarded according to the degree of fault. If the other driver is at fault, you are legally allowed to file a claim against their insurer. In the case of a multi-vehicle collision, the responsibility for the accident gets divided according to the fault of each negligent party.
All of this means that the insurance providers for each party must work together and come to a conclusion on the degree of fault based on the evidence provided. Most of the time, victims without legal representation end up getting an unfair settlement from the defendant at blame for causing these car accidents.
Contact Ehline Law, Today to Help With an Insurance Claim
If you got into a car accident that was not your fault, contact us at 213-596-9642 to engage in a free consultation with a personal injury expert. You may be eligible to receive an award of maximum financial compensation.
Our world famous, aggressive law group can answer any questions and go over all your options after you retain our superior legal services. Don’t wait, call today and schedule an appointment at no charge to discuss your rights. Submitting your information about the crash will help up figure out the next steps.
If you are wounded in a car accident in California due to another driver’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation for your losses. Additionally, if you were driving an uninsured automobile and you were hurt, your ability to claim damages may be limited.
This is due to a California regulation limiting uninsured motorists’ ability to seek damages for non-economic losses. There are several exceptions to this law, which prevents uninsured individuals from claiming damages they are usually entitled to receive or acquire.
However, if you’re an out-of-state driver in California, and you get into an accident, it may be more complicated than you think. There may be a way for you to avoid the hefty consequences of Proposition 213 if you act quickly.
A qualified attorney can help you comply with California’s Financial Responsibility statute after an accident, depending on when the accident occurred. Our Los Angeles personal injury lawyers are experienced in this area of law.
What Is Proposition 213? – Hint: It Has to Do With Having Auto Insurance Following a Car Accident
Proposition 213 may be unfamiliar to you, yet it has been in effect for quite some time. It’s officially recognized as “The Personal Responsibility Act of 1996” in California law.
The stated aims of California Proposition 213 are as follows:
It begins by stating that uninsured motorists, intoxicated drivers, and convicts should not be rewarded for disobeying the law. The proposal brought attention to “lawbreakers,” claiming damages from law-abiding persons for injuries committed before the law was passed.
This also encouraged California residents to amend the legislation to prevent others from claiming “unreasonable damages” from law-abiding citizens. The public appeals were evidently successful, as the proposition was adopted.
In essence, Proposition 213 limits the number of damages a person can collect if they don’t have insurance on the car they were driving at the time of the accident.
The person in issue can still claim for damages, but there are limitations on what they can claim for. This proposal effectively means that insured people can claim more money than uninsured people.
Before the passage of Proposition 213, consumer advocate Harvey Rosenfield and his group “Consumer Action” led the charge to pass Proposition 103, which rolled back high car insurance rates and established a sequential analysis rate-setting process.
As a result, the insurance sector collaborated with its commercialized corporate allies to strip consumers of their rights in order to increase insurance profits, such as:
Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)
California Association of Highway Patrolman
California Police Chiefs Association
Doris Tate Crime Victims Bureau
Peace Officers Research Association of California
California Peace Officers’ Association.
Association for California Tort Reform If You’re Uninsured in California, Then Proposition 213 Applies to You
In rare situations, a driver may be unaware that the motor vehicle he or she was driving was uninsured. Additionally, he or she may be an out-of-state driver and not covered by insurance in California. Even if an exception does not apply to you, Proposition 213 does not bar you from claiming damages, You can still pursue prior and future medical expenses, lost earnings, and other out-of-pocket financial losses if your accident was caused by another driver’s negligence.
Proposition 213 does have some exclusions, however, including the following:
Passengers in uninsured automobiles who do not own the uninsured vehicle are not covered under Prop 213
Prop 213 does not cover those who drive company cars if their employers failed to insure the vehicles
Prop. 213 does not cover people who die as a result of their accidents
Prop. 213 does not protect uninsured motorists who are harmed in collisions caused by drunk driving
Accidents that occur on private property are not covered by Proposition 213
Punitive damages are not prohibited by Proposition 213
When the driver of the vehicle has insurance on another vehicle, but the vehicle involved in the collision is uninsured and owned by someone else, Prop. 213 cannot apply.
If Proposition 213 applies to your situation, a competent personal injury attorney can help you obtain damages for all of your financial losses, even if you are barred from recovering damages for non-economic losses. This is why, if you were involved in a collision while uninsured that was caused by someone else’s negligence, you should consult with a professional car accident attorney.
When Does Proposition 213 Apply?
We’ve demonstrated that if you always have auto insurance, and you are the only passenger in the vehicle, Prop 213 is nothing to be concerned about. Now, when should you be concerned about the proposition affecting you? This is something to bear in mind if you’re traveling with an uninsured automobile.
It’s worth noting that driving without insurance is already banned in California. If you are ever in the unfortunate situation of being in an accident, you should expect to exchange insurance information with your fellow driver.
Without insurance, you and your partner are in a difficult scenario, which is something that Prop 213 and other legislations are aiming to prevent.
What Happens When Proposition 213 Takes Effect?
If Proposition 213 applies to your situation, as previously stated, there are limitations on the amount of money you can sue for. To be more exact, you may only be able to sue for economic damages under the law
The law was enacted because many people believed that if a driver did not take precautions to protect themself from negligence (such as having insurance), they should not be able to recover damages from others. Multiple advertising supporting the initiative featured the phrase: “no pay, no play.”
An uninsured intoxicated driver, for instance, collides with the motor vehicle in front of him. Because the intoxicated driver had no insurance, the front automobile may be unable to recover any compensation for injuries until the law is passed.
The intoxicated driver, on the other hand, might be able to get some money from the front automobile. Many California voters thought this was unfair, and the rule was enacted as a punishment to urge drivers to get car insurance.
Insurance companies and Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) pushed the proposal, spending millions of dollars on advertising to persuade voters to vote ‘yes.’ Following its approval, the number of drivers who purchased insurance increased dramatically.
Unfortunately, individuals who were affected by Proposition 213 were those who had insurance but had failed to renew it for a few days. Drivers who had suffered major medical injuries with long-term consequences and needed pain and suffering compensation were also victims of this scheme.
What Compensation Is Affected by Prop 213? Lost Wages? Private Property Cost?
In a car accident, Prop 213 solely limits compensation for non-economic damages. Damages for pain and suffering, disfigurement, physical impairment, inconvenience, and mental or emotional distress might all fall under this category.
It’s worth noting that accident victims who were harmed by Proposition 213 are still entitled to financial compensation. Repairs to damaged automobiles or other private property, medical bills, lost wages due to time away from work, and costs of rehabilitation to return to work are all covered. Prop 213 solely has an influence on non-economic compensation.
What Are Economic Damages?
Throughout this piece, we’ve discussed both economic and non-economic damages. This is the perfect opportunity to go over them more thoroughly. Starting with economic damages, they are the monetary compensation you may be entitled to as a result of measurable losses. They’re also referred to as “specific damages” on occasion.
When we talk about economic damages, we’re talking about things like medical bills. Physical treatment may be included in those expenses. Uninsured drivers must also compensate for the costs of seeing a therapist because of the mental and emotional damage that they suffered from the accident.
Medical expenses for the long-term effects of your injury may also be factored into the calculations.
Economic damages are compensation for possible property damage in addition to medical expenses. The person who caused the accident is responsible for the damage to your car as well as any other private property that was damaged in the process.
Your lost wages are included in the financial damages. If you were seriously injured in the accident, you would most likely be unable to work. That can be covered by the monetary damages. When estimating economic damages, the law can also take into account your earning potential. Experts do these calculations to find out how much money you lost due to your injuries.
What Are Non-Economic Damages?
As you may have guessed, the non-economic damages account for losses that cannot be measured. Pain and suffering damages are two common examples of non-economic damages. These damages include things like disabilities, deformity, and mental anguish.
A plaintiff may also claim that the accident resulted in a loss of enjoyment of life in some situations. You may also claim non-economic damages because of the loss of companionship.
Calculating non-economic damages in a lawsuit is a little more difficult because there are no tangible money figures to refer to. In practice, the non-economic damages awarded in a case are proportional to the economic damages awarded. In addition, laws set a limit on the amount of non-economic damages that can be awarded.
It’s worth repeating that Prop 213 prohibits uninsured drivers from claiming non-economic damages unless they meet one of the above mentioned exceptions.
Who Led the Opposition to Proposition 213?
Above all, the founders of the Proposition 103 Enforcement Project, which we covered before, were against Prop 213. The California Trial Lawyers Association and “United Policyholders” were also against Prop 213.
After several years, in 1998, the insurance industry’s surrogate, California Insurance Commissioner Quackenbush, acknowledged Mercury Insurance’s assertion that 213 decreased insurance premiums by $71 million as a reality (many believe Mercury Insurance Company to be one of the most dishonest and unfair vehicle insurers).
Conversely, Mercury appeared to have lowered its auto insurance prices by “20% for uninsured motor insurance and 15% for bodily injury coverage.”
Why Do People Drive Without Car Insurance?
Ignoring the requirement is unwise, given all the possible repercussions of driving without insurance. Despite this, people continue to drive without insurance on a regular basis. The following are possible reasons why they continue to do so:
Owning a car is an absolute need. A trip that should take 15 to 20 minutes can easily take an hour if you don’t have a car. People who understand how difficult commuting is can take out loans to buy a car, but they don’t insure the car because they cannot afford it.
Obviously, this isn’t a good enough reason to drive without insurance. However, it does represent the reality that proper legal liability coverage is a necessity many people cannot afford.
If you’re short on funds, there’s no certainty that you can get a suitable insurance plan. The good news is that many agencies are willing to collaborate with drivers to find the best options for them.
Unintentional Lapse
Another reason someone might be driving around without insurance is if they are unaware that they’re not covered. You may have overlooked the deadline for your insurance payment due to your recent busy schedule. The policy has now expired, and you’re on the road with no security.
Unfortunately, it’s possible that you don’t know your coverage has run out until it’s too late. It’s possible that you don’t notice your error until you exchange insurance information with another driver.
Always set up reminders to check your insurance so that you avoid making a costly error. You can also choose to set up automated payments if you’re comfortable with it.
Overconfidence in One’s Driving Ability
Some may refuse to get insurance coverage because they believe that they don’t need it. Some assume that if they are skilled enough behind the wheel, they can avoid any car accident on the road.
While experienced drivers have a better chance of avoiding collisions, it’s still possible that another motorist on the road can cause an auto accident. You never know how other drivers might react around you, so make sure you’re insured by buying auto insurance.
Lack of Understanding
It’s possible that not everyone is aware that the law requires auto insurance. This is not a good excuse in court, but it might work in some situations.
Some drivers may also refuse to purchase insurance because they don’t understand how it can benefit them. Educating people on the importance of insurance can persuade them to change their minds.
Should I File a Personal Injury Case If I’m Not Insured?
Just because you were an uninsured driver, that doesn’t mean you don’t have a right to compensation if you were hurt in an accident caused by someone else’s negligence.
Even if Prop 213 does not apply to you, you do have a claim for medical bills, lost wages, property damage, and other economic losses caused by another person’s negligence.
If you need an excellent representative for your personal injury claim or legal advice on financial responsibility laws in California, contact the Ehline law firm at 213-596-9642 to set up a free consultation with an award-winning injury lawyer. Speak with a serious injury lawyer today.
When you purchase an insurance policy, it is a type of financial guarantee that an insurance company will cover your damages or losses.
However, an insurance company will only be liable for covering damages (medical bills, lost wages, and more) up to the policy limits in the insurance policy. Let’s explore with our Los Angeles injury insurance attorneys.
Sued for More Than You Have? Ehline Law is Here to Assist
Let’s look at how insurance policy limits work and what could happen if you get sued more than what your insurance covers.
Insurance Policy Limits and How They Work
Policy limits are the maximum amount an insurance provider is willing to pay for any incident the insurance policy covers.
For example, if you have car insurance with a policy limit of $30,000, the insurer will pay for the other party’s damages up to $30,000 in an accident that you cause. However, if the damages are $50,000, then in most cases, the insurer is not liable for the extra $20,000 above the policy limit on a standard car insurance policy.
Insurance Company Acting in Bad Faith
An insurance provider might deny claims within the policy limits to ensure a healthy profit, but it is acting in bad faith at the end of the day. If an insured agrees on a lower settlement amount and the insurer refuses to pay the claim without any reasonable explanation, the insured can file a lawsuit against the company for acting in bad faith.
In such lawsuits, the court and the judge will award the insured a maximum payout as a punishment to the insurance provider for not demonstrating the duty of care.
We’ve discussed situations where you can claim more than the coverage. Let’s look at the situation another way around. What happens if the other party sues you for more than your coverage?
I’m Sued for More than My Insurance Coverage
The same California insurance law applies here, where insurance providers are not liable for any damages above an insured’s insurance coverage. Suppose you were in an accident that was your fault and the auto accident settlements exceeded your coverage. In that case, the company will deny or process payments up to the insurance policy limit.
You can expect the injured person to come after you by suing you for damages if the insurance company pays less than their damages. This can impact your reputation among your social circle and colleagues at work. However, if you don’t have any financial assets to pay, the injured person may not get their full injury compensation.
Other Ways People Pursue Compensation from Insurance Companies
If the claim exceeds policy limits, one can not ask the at-fault driver’s insurance provider to pay more. Because of this, the other party may take the following actions.
Use the Umbrella Policy
The other party can use umbrella policies to get additional compensation or coverage for their loss. A personal injury lawyer can guide you if there are any umbrella policies or multiple insurance policies that the driver can draw benefits on.
Lawsuits Against Multiple Individuals
If your auto insurance coverage is lower than the damage done in a car accident to the other driver by yourself, then you can expect the other driver to file multiple lawsuits. An injured car accident victim can file lawsuits against multiple people if more people are in the car accident besides the at-fault driver.
If you’re sued for more than your coverage, contact Ehline Law to help protect your rights. We have substantial experience dealing with personal injury cases and maintain a strong professional attorney-client relationship. Our results and achievements talk for themselves.
Contact us at (213) 596-9642 and get a free consultation with an expert attorney for legal representation today!
Below, our top-rated Los Angeles insurance lawyers cover the basics of Prop 213. Passing 76.83% of the vote, it intended to limit certain tort damages to certain felons (ex: hit and run drivers), uninsured motorists, and DUI/DWI drivers.