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What Happens When a Robot is in A Car Accident?

What Happens When a Robot is in A Car Accident?

How Do You Sue An Automated Self-Driving Car Robot?

Transportation accident lawyer, Michael Ehline in DC arguing before congress.

In a few decades, consumer motor vehicle operations will be a thing of the past. Planes will be self-directed, trains and even farm equipment will be automated, and we’ll all enjoy the peace of a self-driving car. It’s a pretty appealing concept. Is a long road trip on the horizon? Just jump in the back seat and let your Tesla’s A.I. take the wheel.

Nissan’s CEO recently stated that he expects the first self-driving vehicles to be on traditional roads by 2020. You can still enjoy the convenience of working at Google, which loads many automated cars on its campus.

The goal is to create a safer, saner experience on America’s roadways. The human race is distracted and angry; it’s about time we pass over the reigns to a neutral, respectful autopilot program.

However, the rise of self-driving cars will open up a brand-new controversy. Namely, what happens when a robot is involved in an accident? We’ve spent decades drawing up the specifics for personal injury law in vehicular collisions.

We’ve all danced with insurance companies understanding fault, irresponsibility, and injury graveness. But how does that change when a computer is behind the wheel? It’s a complicated question, and at this point, it’s only a matter of time before we confront it head-on.

Who Is At Fault in an A.I. Crash?

The vast majority of accidents involving self-driving cars are not the fault of A.I. itself. The motorized, automated vehicle follows the road rules, and some fallible human idiot rear-ends them or merges into their lane. However, that’s not always the case. Last Valentine’s Day, a Google self-driving car slammed into a bus after it tried to negotiate a right turn.

It wasn’t a glitch. The car’s software made an error in judgment that caused a collision – an implicit confirmation that the self-driving car era will not be an era utterly free of car accidents. Occasionally, there will be a need to get into the legal weeds.

There’s nothing fun about being in an accident. Still, there is evidence that getting involved in a self-driving car collision might benefit the victim more than a conventional personal injury case. Bryant Walker Smith, a law professor at the University of South Carolina, has taught a course on the burgeoning sector of automated vehicles and told the Associated Press that “assuming you’re not dead, you’re in a much better position than if you’d been hit by an ordinary, human-driven vehicle.”

Shifting of Legal Nexus?

This risk exists because self-driving cars will shift the legal nexus away from the traditional questions that surround piloted negligence. Now, these cases are directed toward product liability. “Whereas today’s crash liability regime is based largely on the liability of individual drivers under negligence, tomorrow’s may be premised on the liability of manufacturers. So this would be under product liability broadly,” he writes in a paper called Automated Driving and Product Liability. “This shift will also create new issues for the judges and juries evaluating the resulting crash claims—as well as for the lawyers negotiating to avoid such trials.”

That’s advantageous for a legal client because you’ll be dealing directly with a corporate entity. After all, it’s difficult to prove negligence in a personal injury case. A lot of the specifics are left up to unknowable conjecture. How can you prove that a driver took his eyes off the road at an inopportune moment? Do we know for sure he was looking at a cell phone?

However, this becomes a lot easier when you’re dealing with cold complex calculations of a self-driving vehicle. If the nuts and bolts show that a car on auto-pilot miscalculated an off-ramp merge, you quickly eliminate any guesswork. There’s also speculation that the manufacturers of self-driving vehicles will want to err on the side of caution. That way, they can hand out generous settlements to keep the industry looking pristine.

Manufacturer Liability

Volvo, Google, and Mercedes-Benz have all already stated that they’ll take responsibility for any accidents involving their vehicles. Going to court over the specifics about a computer’s decision-making doesn’t look good from the outside looking in. We believe little chance exists for self-driving car accident liability falling on the automated vehicle drivers/occupants. Let’s say an accident happens because a self-driving car’s tire blows out and swerves into traffic, and after an investigation, straightforward tire maintenance is needed. Who pays?

In that case, will pilots be at fault? I, a regular driver, wasn’t maintaining the proper conditions necessary to keep my vehicle safe. Why should it be any different for an automated vehicle? But again, we know that discretion will be left to a judge.

We know this is all speculative. And we know despite all the money being poured into the self-driving industry, the legal jurisdiction remains lost in the Wild West. Money-hungry for campaign donations, legislators will pass legislation and precedents outlining the status quo’s specifics in a few decades. But your best bet till then?

Hire the Right Lawyer

You must hire a good robot delivery accident lawyer and seek reasonable money damages settlement compensation amounts. At-fault drivers and companies should pay car accident victims the maximum compensation by receiving a free legal consultation with a local traffic accident lawyer.

You can learn more by contacting the Los Angeles personal injury attorneys at Ehline Law Firm today by dialing (213) 596-9642.Read More »What Happens When a Robot is in A Car Accident?

Antifa Rioters supporting democrat party and BLM marxists

Can I Run Over Rioters if They Are Attacking My Vehicle? Is It Legal?

We all know the story by now. High on a lethal cocktail of Fentanyl and other narcotics, George Floyd was arrested and slain by a police officer he used to bounce with at a local nightclub. Since Officer Chauvin was white, the media presumed it was a racist attack, and violent riots ensued.
Antifa Rioters supporting democrat party and BLM marxists

Is Running Over Rioters Self-Defense or A Gray Legal Area?

The crises of the last several weeks show a significant breakdown of our civil order– and a sharp risk to the average person. And this goes double for driving incidents in the cases of protests.

Several high-profile cases exist where terrified big rig truckers and passenger car drivers struck protesters on roads and highways. Below we will discuss some of the legal ramifications of illegal barricades on freeways, roads, and surface streets and whether or not a driver with no reasonable means of escape is justified in running human obstacles.

First, it helps to understand the difference between a lawful protest and an unlawful riot. On the one hand, there is a clear precedent for fear when stranded in a car surrounded by hostiles, including ANTIFA, throwing rocks. And the surprised vehicle operator could be attacked before, during, or after a curfew, for example. You don’t need to think back much further than 1992 and Reginald Denny, understanding the inherent risk of mob justice. Modernly, the mainstream news media, such as CNN, has launched a war to eradicate so-called “white privilege.”

Many of the ideas espoused by ANTIFA and BLM originated or revived and took root on college campuses. Many of these triggered students are taking campus popular socialist culture to a freeway near you. Still, the debate over which race is more privileged and whether colleges and universities are justified in cancel culture goes on over CRT curriculum in the k-12 school system (called “inter-sectionalism,” or some other name.). Less than 9% of college staff identify as conservative. Many claim they were run off the campus quadrangle by fellow staff and students using the same techniques and ideas used by the protesters. These past employees claim their opponents act like East German Stasi.

Sometimes these college-aged students and their college professor “minders,” will capture sidewalks and streets using bricks and other weapons to wreak chaos and destruction on passing vehicle drivers. In many cases, anyone who won’t submit and literally kiss the so-called oppressed’s boots becomes targeted for a beating, boycott, or elimination.

Also, peaceful groups like ANTIFA receive specialized training on infiltrating and incite violence at peaceful protests.

Dead people killed by ANTIFA for disagreeing with communism.And this happens whenever a CNN or MSNBC news story presents itself where a light-skinned cop harms or kills a black ex-felon during a traffic stop, for example. In the case at the bar, the victim, decedent Floyd, had a violent past as a convicted armed robber. Riots, kidnappings, and attacks against people driving to or from work were sure to follow, and they followed.

The Traffic Stop – And the Relationship Between Floyd and the Cop As Bouncers at a Local Club

The facts relate that while high on Crystal Meth, George Floyd was getting ready to operate a motor vehicle on a busy city street. Officer Chauvin, who used to bounce at the same club with Floyd on the same nights, apparently held a grudge against Floyd and vice versa.

George Floyd did not get along with the now-fired Minneapolis police officer charged with killing him while the two worked at a nightclub, according to a former coworker. (Source).

And that white cop, and fellow bouncer, Officer Chauvin, had an equally terrible record at politeness and proper policing. Based on the video, the officers who aided and abetted in the killing of Floyd were a black officer, an Asian cop, and another officer.

“[Witness] added that he is sure that Chauvin would have recognized Floyd … He knew him,” Pinney said. “I would say pretty well.”(Source).

So it’s clear this was not some random arrest, at least not concerning Chauvin and Floyd. Interestingly, the media narrative about this Democrat-run police department is that this was a racist attack. Hence, police with “light skin” are racists. And the famous campus press infers that the other nonwhite cops had no choice but to participate because they were following the orders of their “white oppressors.”

Although there are no legal allegations that Floyd was targeted for being black or that the police themselves are racist, the Minneapolis city council will abolish its police force because of “white oppression.” However, statistics prove that white police officers are far less likely to shoot or harm minorities than minority police officers. So at this point, white privilege/oppression has become a faith-based political religion of sorts. Suppose you support America, law enforcement, and the military = racist. If you support anarchy and lawlessness = woke.

Whether we want to believe in math and science or if we wish to think white cops are evil oppressors, the result is that anyone using our roads is at risk of a mob attack. Race relations have been set back for hundreds of years, with things getting worse for people who want to get to work, feed their kids, and pay their bills.ANTIFA Conference

Many automobile drivers and commercial truckers have two choices:

  1. Risk of being beaten or killed by a violent mob.
  2. Risk charges for a crime after running over a mob intent on killing or harming you.

Legal Gray Areas When Running Over Mobs and Insurgents in California?

Believe it; self-defense is not so cut and dry in California. If you have a left-leaning deputy filing clerk at the DA’s office, no matter how in fear for your life, you can easily face murder charges just for protecting your life. If you are of the wrong skin color and took a life defending your vehicle passengers, you could face “hate crime” charges if the protestors have dark skin and are an “oppressor.” Furthermore, the law itself is not as clear in cases where individuals hit protesters blocking roads.

If people’s mass is blocking the road collectively but not surrounding any vehicles, driving and striking them would likely be illegal. For example, in one of the clearest incidents in the last several weeks, a semi-driver drove through a crowd of protesters in Minneapolis. That man, Bogdan Vechirko, was released by police pending further investigation.

In his case, he attempted to drive through a gap of protesters to continue. The intent to hit anyone was not entirely clear. Still, there is an ongoing investigation, and charges against Mr. Vechirko may be forthcoming for his role in the incident. And this goes double if there is significant public pressure. The same public pressure may be the most crucial in prosecuting such cases. It may seem bizarre for an attorney to write this– especially considering that states each have one set of laws.

Getting to Understand the Law– And Law Enforcement

So the legal ramifications of hitting protesters on the street will need to be addressed. Below we will discuss several of the critical elements. Last week there was an apparent incident when protesters blocked the 405 traffic off-ramp. Similar events took place across the country in the previous several weeks. The issue of hitting a protester– through their actions or yours– is a legal minefield. However, it remains an issue due to so much destruction during the protests each day over the Black Lives Matter Fist Modeled on Communist Symbol. Atheist organization dedicated to cultural Marxism.last week. Below is not a comprehensive legal guide. In fact, due to the changing circumstances on the ground and the potential for selective enforcement, we recommend not using the following as specific legal advice.

Instead, I am writing it as a primer based on my legal field experience. Also, I’ve seen many of these incidents firsthand. I came of age during the 1992 LA Riots and have lived here during that difficult time after my service in the Marine Corps. I’ve been studying it ever since. In many ways, the aftermath of Rodney King’s beating was a key moment for the city’s and my own– understanding of the law and rioting.

What to Do in Cases of Blocked Roads?

  • Patience. You will most likely be one of many cars blocked on the road. If you do not have an emergency, wait patiently the best you can. It’s not the most calming advice, but it could keep you out of the most trouble. Assuming you have your firearms in a locked container, you may not unlock the container and load your guns unless under attack per California law. So good luck with that.
  • Do Not Engage. No matter your political beliefs, leave them behind the steering wheel. There is less reason to get involved if the protesters are not engaging.
  • Do Not Let Yourself Be a Victim. If you do fear for your safety, do not let yourself become a statistic. And this goes double if you have loved ones in the vehicle. I do not encourage any rash action. That being said, it is up to you to understand and assess your position at the time.
  • Report any incidents. If anything does happen, go immediately to the police.

Over the next several days and weeks, I will cover these issues and incidents more. Keep it tuned here for updates. However, in the face of ongoing protests, there may be added political pressure to prosecute anyone involved in stifling protests, even if there are no severe injuries.

I am working on a series of articles on the subject– keep reading here for more info. This has been a free, non-partisan public service message from Ehline Law Firm Personal Injury Attorneys, APLC. Contact us today to learn more about personal injury law and self-defense.


Read More »Can I Run Over Rioters if They Are Attacking My Vehicle? Is It Legal?

Electrocution Law Blog

What Happens to Electricity When Nothing Is Plugged into an Outlet?

Electric Battery Volt Reader Attorney

What You Need to Know to Make Your Home More Energy-efficient

Ultimate Guide to Understanding Electrical Power

If you’re hoping to save energy, you might be wondering what happens to electricity when there is nothing plugged into an outlet.

Electrical outlets do not generate power if they are not turned on, and empty sockets do not generate electricity either because the passage of energy requires a fully functional circuit. Therefore, shutting off unused sockets has no meaningful effect on power usage.

Have you ever wondered when electronic devices are left plugged in and turned on or in standby mode? We’ll discuss whether turning off your electrical appliances can help you save money.

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Do Electronic Devices Use Electricity When Plugged into an Electrical Outlet?

The short answer is that even when switched off, a range of various electronic appliances and devices, such as lamps, toasters, coffee machines, etc., can still use a tiny amount of electricity when plugged in.

Phantom Energy

If you’re doing research on this topic, you’ll likely see the terms “phantom load,” “phantom energy,” and “vampire energy.” They are commonly used to describe this phenomenon. Any electrical equipment or appliance that uses electricity, even when switched off but still connected to an outlet, is known as a “phantom load.”

Your Devices Get 75% of Their Power Supply While They’re Turned Off.

These devices, while convenient, use energy inefficiently. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, on average, household gadgets and appliances use 75 percent of the energy used to power them when in the off position.

The Devices that Use the Most Electricity When Plugged In

A number of devices consume electricity when connected to a power supply but turned off. Here are some of the most common culprits:

The Phone Charger

When a phone charger is plugged into an electrical outlet but isn’t hooked up to a phone, it still uses energy. Moreover, other chargers used to power devices such as laptops, power tools, etc., consume electricity when turned off but plugged in.

Home Office Equipment

The global pandemic has changed how we work, and with many employees working from the comfort of their homes, their office equipment can draw energy when not turned on. Home office equipment includes computers, printers, monitors, and desk lamps.

Kitchen Appliances

Your kitchen appliances, such as the coffee machine, toasters, and air fryers that require electricity, consume energy even when you switch them off.


By looking at your utility bills, you can tell how much heating contributes to your home electricity usage. Most people turn on the heat as soon as there is even the slightest breeze in order to adjust the temperature quickly.

Raising the temperature forces the device to work harder to heat up as rapidly as possible, which consumes a lot of energy. The solution is to reduce the thermostat’s setting for a longer period, to allow it to warm your house gradually instead of generating all of this heat at once. A burn or explosion injury may occur with one wrong move or defective product.

Digital Displays and Clocks

Your electronic clocks and displays are also drawing phantom energy. Many of your electronics include digital displays, from coffee makers to the alarm clock on your nightstand. These displays also require energy, but it’s pretty easy to overlook these power leeches. Even if turning off each of these gadgets after usage would be time-consuming and annoying, the less often used ones ought to be unplugged.

Entertainment Electronics

The TV isn’t actually off when you push the red button on the remote control. It consumes energy as it sits there waiting for somebody to turn it on and enjoy their favorite show. TVs consume electricity to keep track of the time, channel lineups, language preferences, and more. DVRs, DVD players, gaming consoles, sound systems, and satellite boxes still consume energy when not in use.

A Few Tips to Help You Save Energy

Here are a few tips to help you save energy:

Group Appliances Together on Power Strips

Power strips can be useful, particularly if you have a number of different electronics that are frequently used together on the same circuit. It makes more sense to plug your TV, video gaming consoles, and home theater system all into one power strip. In addition to maximizing the usage of your plug sockets, it is far simpler to operate one switch or one plug removal than five or more.

Disconnect Your Chargers from the Outlet Once Your Devices Are Fully Charged

To prevent chargers from drawing energy when they are not in use, it is a good idea to remove them from the outlet once your electronic devices have been charged.

Take Shorter Showers

Showers are another significant energy-waster when it comes to heating. If you don’t know someone who spends what seems like an eternity in the shower, then it’s probably you. However, taking a longer shower usually results in high heating costs.

This can be fixed by turning on the water just before you need it. Don’t turn it on and then leave for five minutes; you’re essentially wasting money. If several people need to shower in the morning, keeping the water running can be another alternative. This prevents the shower from being forced to continually heat up, which consumes a lot of energy to keep the water hot.

Check That Your Wiring Has Been Done Correctly to Prevent Any Electrical Problems from Wasting Energy

Damaged cables can cause appliances to heat up, causing the device to heat up. This results in an increased consumption of energy. Faulty wiring can also cause an electrical fire to break out in your house, so be sure to check your wiring regularly.

Use Smart Power Strips

If you’re concerned about convenience, investing in a smart power strip that allows you to control specific outlets from an app on your mobile device may be a good idea. These smart devices come with surge protection and enable you to use electricity more efficiently.

Take Note of the Energy Star Ratings

Looking for the Energy Star symbol, which can be found on many appliances, confirms that they are energy-efficient and do not use phantom energy, which is another wise move. You can find Energy Star transformers and phone chargers, two primary sources of energy wastage when not in use.

Although these minute fluctuations in energy might not seem important, the green movement is in full swing, so conserving a few hundred watts annually per person throughout an entire country would undoubtedly start to mount up.

Consider Insulation

Additionally, you can think about insulating your loft or cavity walls to assist your home in retaining heat. Installing this kind of insulation will benefit your home much because the walls and roof tend to lose a lot of heat. Insulation eliminates draughts that come from the walls, which keeps your home warm and reduces the need for additional heating.

Switch Your Home Office Equipment Off When Not in Use

If you’re taking a break longer than 20 minutes, you should turn your devices off rather than leave them in sleep mode. This is because an electronic device will use less energy when turned off completely rather than left in sleep mode. You can also unplug your electronics from the outlet to save even more power.

Turn Off Your AC Circuit Breaker When Not in Use

It would help if you switched off the circuit breaker when your air conditioner is not in use, particularly during the colder months. Doing this can lower the amount of phantom energy used, reducing overall electricity costs.

Final Thoughts

Do plug sockets use energy when turned off? No. What happens when there’s nothing plugged into an electrical outlet? Does it draw electricity? Also no.

An Empty Electrical outlet does not generate electricity because the circuit is incomplete.

However, some electronics consume phantom energy. Although it may seem insignificant initially, this energy wastage can accumulate over time, increasing your carbon footprint and utility bill.

Need Legal Assistance? Contact Ehline Law Today!

At Ehline Law, we care about our clients, which is why we work hard to give you sound advice. You may be eligible for compensation if you have been the victim of negligence. We can help you obtain restitution. To talk to a lawyer, call us at 833-538-7783 today!

We Cover the Following Practice Areas:


  • Can Cars Run on Water Instead of Gasoline?

Read More »What Happens to Electricity When Nothing Is Plugged into an Outlet?

Is it Worth Suing In Small Claims Court?

Is it Worth Suing In Small Claims Court?

Los Angeles Personal Injury Attorneys

Small claims court is a unique type where you may resolve minor issues swiftly and inexpensively with simple rules and guidelines because every small claims court has an informal hearing.

And it would help if you represented yourself. If you file a small claims court case against the other party, you are the plaintiff, and if the other party sues you, you are the defendant.

I am Los Angeles personal injury attorney Michael Ehline. My previous article discussed suing in small claims court over a car accident injury. In this informational article, I discuss suing in small claims court generally.

Are you ready to go to small claims, file papers with the court clerk, and hire a process server to serve the defendant? Let’s discuss legal self-help, from landlord-tenant disputes to property damage and self-representation in breach of contract claims below!

Small claims court is a unique type of court where you may resolve minor issues swiftly and inexpensively with simple rules and guidelines because every small claims court has an informal hearing, and you must represent yourself.

If you file a court case against the other party, you are the plaintiff, and if the other party sues you, you are the defendant.

A Plaintiff in Small Claims Courts

As an individual, you may file a claim in small claims court if your claim is for less than $10,000. For instance, if you are a plumber operating under the name ABC Plumbing and wish to sue a customer who has not paid you, you may submit a claim for up to $10,000. Your maximum claim amount is $5000 if your firm is a corporation, partnership, or any other kind of organization other than a sole proprietorship with a fictitious business name.

In California, you may not file more than two small claims court cases totaling more than $2,500 each calendar year.

Lower municipal minimum jurisdiction type courts allow people to bring relatively minor claims before a small claims judge (trial by judge only) without incurring considerable expense in the form of the filing fee and attorney’s fees, and it’s a simple, inexpensive, and reasonably fast alternative to a full-blown lawsuit in a civil court.

Is Your Case Eligible for Small Claims Court?

If your claim meets the small claims court’s jurisdictional requirements of a maximum monetary limit ranging from $2,000 to as high as $10,000, you may file your lawsuit. But you may have to file your case for a hearing in a court with a higher jurisdictional limit, such as opting for a superior court hearing in other courts if your dispute exceeds your state’s limits.

Filing Small Claims Court Case

Once you’ve decided to file a small claims lawsuit, you must choose where to file your lawsuit. If you want to decide the proper county for filing your claim and understand your options, call the Ehline Law Firm for personalized legal advice for your civil cases, and our committed lawyers will help you.

Whether you are suing someone in small claims court or someone is suing you, it’s vital that you put personal feelings about the case on the shelf and think objectively or work with Ehline Law Firm.

It May Be Worth Suing?

Maybe. Once you’ve calculated your total costs, including lost wages, personal injury damages, and fees, filing a claim can cost you anywhere from $100 to $2,000, which possibly cancels out your financial gain and may even be less than the owed money. In some cases, you may ask that the court includes the incurred costs in what the defendant owes you.

Consider what you would take as a monthly payment or what you could afford to pay monthly, contact the opposing party, and have an open dialogue about settling the case.

Settlement helps all parties because it gives Defendant one final opportunity to work out a monthly payment plan with Plaintiff and favors Plaintiff because if Defendant defaults on the settlement, Plaintiff will get a default judgment from the court.

If you are settling a case in California Small Claims Court, there are forms that you may fill out and sign with the opposing party and then file with the court to bind the settlement with a demand letter (free sample demand letter here) that will state how much money involved with the court clerk.

Claim a free consultation with our team about small claims court by calling Ehline lawyers at (213) 596-9642.

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